Celebrating Sanctuary Week
So it loud, say it clear, YOU are always welcome here!
Our brilliant partners over at City of Sanctuary, have launched the first annual #CelebratingSanctuary Week (19th-25th April) to honour all the incredible contributions of people seeking sanctuary in the UK and the vast networks of people building a culture of welcome throughout our communities.
We are so proud to be the UK’s first Theatre Company of Sanctuary, platforming the brilliant imaginations, ideas, and voices of the many people we are lucky to co-create with. This week isn’t a one-off celebration but an opportunity to open a window and welcome you into our world.
Why is it important to celebrate sanctuary week?
As City of Sanctuary have declared, ‘2021 is a significant year to influence decision makers in anticipation of the upcoming Borders Control Bill’. This week is a chance for the voices of sanctuary seekers and the organisations supporting them to collectively shout louder than a megaphone and change the narrative. Media and socials can often paint a hostile picture, but we know from our work that there is so much support and welcome across the UK - we need this government to know that punitive policies are not popular and they do not reflect the needs of the people.
What has been SBC doing about that, this month?
As a company that makes campaign theatre, we are always exploring how we can use the arts to engage, challenge and influence our country's decision makers. For example, last month we ran our ‘Use Your Voice’ workshop as part of Manchester City of Sanctuary’s The Big Conversation. We were joined by MP Kate Green and the group shared stories and experiences… we laughed, we supported each other, and we spoke our minds! A massive thank you to Liz at MCoS for organising such a mega event.
What is SBC doing to celebrate, this week?
Across the week we will be sharing various projects led by our participants and collaborators so keep an eye on our social media pages.
We are excited to share this new short film, Bradford, A Place of Sanctuary and Peace Building, made with Bradford City of Sanctuary, BIASAN, Bradford Refugee Forum and The University of Bradford for UNIfy Festival. In honour of #celebratingsanctuary, this film will introduce you to those who have sought sanctuary in the city and introduce you to the amazingly diverse and creative range of projects and organisations that seek to support sanctuary seekers in the city.
Video: Bradford, A Place of Sanctuary and Peace Building. (Captioned)
What have we got planned for the future?
We are always running training programmes for Sanctuary Seekers across the UK - which are always open to newcomers if you are interested! Our current programme is:
Creative Wellbeing - using creative skills and techniques to build confidence and manage daily stress (with Arabic and Farsi interpreters)
For Coventry 2021:
Creative Activism and Leadership - exploring pathways to Board and Trustee roles, creating and leading campaigns and taking care of ourselves in hostile contexts. (with Arabic interpreters)
Performance Making - Along with our friends at Belgrade Theatre and Coventry and Refugee Migrant Centre, we are co-creating a large-scale outdoor production for World Refugee Day. Participants are exploring a range of performance making techniques and strategies to create a celebratory, no holds barred adventure show! (with Arabic interpreters)
It’s the name of our show and our mood for this week… and FOREVER!
To take part in any of our programmes email rosie@sbctheatre.co.uk