Whether you are new to the UK yourself, working with people seeking sanctuary or you’re looking for learning resources, we welcome you to use and share.


Mentoring Opportunities

We offer a range of mentoring opportunities tailored to suit the needs of the individual. You  might be seeking support to develop your artistic practice, develop your skills for employability and/or leadership in the arts industry, learn about producing, setting up a theatre company or something else.

If you are interested in learning more about our work and the ways we could support you, please get in touch here.

Apply for mentorship

Please complete this form and hit the submit button. Tell us a bit about yourself and a member of the team will be in touch soon.



Find the support, accountability, and momentum you need.

Best Practice


There is no one better placed to speak on the experiences of people speaking sanctuary than those who have lived it and those who are still navigating complex and hostile ayslum and immigration systems. Our range of film series are designed to better educate cross sector professionals and the general public on what it’s really like for so many in the UK.

The Welcome Series

A new series exploring how a city can truly welcome people new to the UK and what the process of being new is really like. Made by our Soap Box Coventry group and funded by Coventry Council.

Use Your Voice

We were commissioned by Refugee Council to run our Use Your Voice programme throughout the pandemic and together the group created a series of short films to better educate and give personal insight into the experiences of people seeking sanctuary in the UK across all areas of life. These films have been shared with parliamentarians, senior civil servants and the Home Office, as well as a range of stakeholders, from other refugee NGOs to medical professional bodies. Please watch and share.

Short Film

Bradford, A Place of Sanctuary and Peace Building

Bradford has a strong history of peace activism and welcoming those seeking sanctuary.

This short film exploring Bradford's history of peace activism will introduce you to those who have sought sanctuary in the city as they discuss how they have made Bradford their home. As well as introducing you to the amazingly diverse and creative range of projects and organisations that seek to support sanctuary seekers.

This event has been organised in collaboration with the University of Bradford, City of Sanctuary, Bradford Refugee Forum, BIASAN and Stand and Be Counted Theatre.

This performance is produced by SBC Theatre, the UK’s first Theatre Company of Sanctuary.

Short Film


Picture a mother seeking asylum in the UK. What do you see? A poor helpless refugee who should be pitied or a powerful, resilient woman who would lay down her life for her family? An ignorant woman who can’t speak English or mother with a wealth of knowledge and experience who may well speak many languages. What you imagine may be far removed from reality.

A collaboration between: the Refugee Council, White Ribbon Alliance, Maternity Stream of Sanctuary and SBC Theatre.

This performance is produced by SBC Theatre, the UK’s first Theatre Company of Sanctuary.
Short Film

Sanctuary Songs

Sanctuary Songs, in collaboration with Emily Ntshangase-Wood and Zoe Katsilerou, will present performers from 'Where We Began' and 'Tanja' for songs of welcome and celebration from around the globe. Expect rousing vocals and live music as we reach beyond borders and out of lockdown.

This performance is produced by SBC Theatre, the UK’s first Theatre Company of Sanctuary.
Short Film

Here I Am

Here I Am is a collaboration between Artworks, Northern Broadsides and SBC Theatre, and offers a series of creative projects happening across June to celebrate community spirit across Calderdale: proudly a Valley of Sanctuary.

This performance is produced by SBC Theatre, the UK’s first Theatre Company of Sanctuary.
Short Film

Creative Skills for Work and Wellbeing

(with Rosie Macpherson and Karima Zanati)

SBC Theatre presents an online workshop to ignite your creativity. A company who specialise in facilitation for sanctuary seekers, the workshop will be a tutorial where you can start, pause and stop at your leisure – enabling you to learn and create at your own pace. 

Animated Short Film

An Act of Care

To celebrate the 72nd birthday of the NHS we are proud to present our latest Sanctuary Broadcast Commission, An Act of Care (in response to right now) from archipelago collective. This animated, urgent love letter to the NHS was made to recognise all that those working in the NHS and on the frontline have done to keep us safe. It didn't have to be like this, but given how events in the coronavirus pandemic have unfolded, we think it's vital to speak out for those wonderful people. Most importantly those that have lost their lives to protect ours. Now more than ever, the NHS needs us to stand up and fight for it, otherwise, it won't be there next time.

The first line of the NHS constitution reads: the NHS belongs to the people. 


An archipelago collective film and Sanctuary Broadcast Commission from SBC Theatre.