Adam | Adem | Ahsan | Aivine | Ali | Aysheh | Halima | Hassan | Hoi Yan | Kaltoum | Mohamed | Monzir | Nelson | Naser | Osman | Rahma | Silvia | Siu Kam | Yuk Sun Sunny | Zahra Hessami | Zahra | Zainab
Ahsan | Nelson | Naser | Zahra Hessami | Zahra | Osman | Hoi Yan | Sunny
Co-Director Hannah Butterfield
Co-Director Smart Banda
Associate Director Firas Chihi
Producer Rosie MacPherson
Leeds 2023
Leeds Central Library
Arts Council England
Since January 2022 SBC’s creative empowerment programme for adults, Soap Box Leeds, has been bringing people seeking sanctuary together to explore creative skills, build confidence, friendships and to co-create events and productions they are proud of.
We have been working together (in multiple languages) to explore cultures of 'wellbeing'. Join us for lunch, conversation, and a world premiere of our co-created film series with themes of community, culture and ways to 'welcome'. This is the story of where we are now...