Stand & Be Counted Presents
Made by Stand and Be Counted Theatre in partnership with Yellow Bus Events, GlowBus is a touring production and digital exhibition made with and for the people of Oldham; celebrating their ideas, their artworks and their town.

Communities of Oldham at British Red Cross, Oldham, Failsworth and Northmoor Libraries, Mahdlo, In My Shoes Theatre, Greenhill Community and Recreation Centre.
Chelsea Morgan: SBC Associate Director
Nadia Emam: SBC Associate Director
John Tomlinson: SBC Joint CEO and Executive Director
Smart Banda: SBC Digital Director
Kyle Prior: AR Designer and Branding
Steve Pool: Projection Designer
Wayne Sables: Projection Associate
Sally Barton: Designer
Ed Waring: Composer and Sound Designer
Scott Barton: Yellow Bus Events
Ai Narapol: Film and photography
Brannon Yau: Film and photography
Ruth Vassallo: Creative Associate
Sirazul Islam: Creative Associate
Anosh Malik: Flyer Artwork
Ellen Beardmore: PR and Comms
GlowBus was brought to life with the help and support of:
Oldham Council
High Street Accelerator
Oldham Coliseum
Arts Council England
Positive Steps
Oldham Libraries
About Glowbus
Made with over 800 participants across 8 community groups, GlowBus welcomed the people of Oldham to create something to share with their town.
Hundreds of pieces of art, film, photography, sounds and digital work were made - and then showcased in an exhibition - in, on, around and next to a big yellow American school bus.
A community project with a unique creative output, GlowBus was driven and led by participants.
Behind The Scenes
GlowBus toured Oldham - stopping off at community settings, supermarket car parks and schools before the main exhibition event in Oldham town centre.
A NEW SONG AND Music video
Greenhill Sports and Recreation Club
As part of our making process, we worked with 40+ young people at Greenhill during half term.
The Nherz of Oldham (as they are now known) made something quite unique. Check it out here!
Building Projection
Next to the GlowBus, as part of the main exhibition - we projected all the artworks that were made on the side of the historic Lyceum Theatre.
The Glow Book was lovingly made by the people of Oldham.
Features of the Glowbus
Augmented reality
Made with Kyle Prior, the back of the bus featured some of the artwork, popping out of a different dimension - using AR
Projection Mapping
Made with Steve Pool, featuring artwork made by the city of Oldham.
The front of the bus had a live cam, to make sure everyone passing by could join us and have their moment in the spotlight - or to look like they were the driver.
GlowBus Song
Made with Ed Waring, you could hear the official 16 minute GlowBus soundtrack coming from the bus. Made with poems, readings, music and lyrics all written and presented by people we worked with.
GlowBus Podcast
Made by Matt Dean, Kupod.
Cultural Arts Podcast
Made with CWTC, you can hear our conversation made during the week about this project and our arts and sanctuary programme.