An impassioned call to arms, a play and a campaign: ‘TANJA’ is a dramatic meta-theatrical exploration of immigration detention centres starring Emily Ntshangase - a former Yarl’s Wood detainee.
Emily Ntshangase, Rosie MacPherson, John Tomlinson, Hannah Butterfield, Julia White & Emily Snow.
Writer Rosie MacPherson
Director Hannah Butterfield
Producer John Tomlinson
Designer Bethany Wells
Lighting Designer Will Monks
Sound Designer Andy Sulley
Production Manager Matt Blackmore
Trailer Ed Sunman
Artwork Freckled Agency
Photographer Ed Sunman
Julia White (Pulse & Migration Matters Festival) Emily Snow (Tour 2017)
Voiceover Trevor MacFarlane & Molly Collins
Dramaturgs Rachael Walton & Trevor MacFarlane
Protest Poem written by Rosie Cappuccino
Description text goes here
Leeds Beckett University, The Lowry, Slung Low, Theatre Deli, The Garage, The Bike Shed Theatre.
Funded by Arts Council England
Made in partnership with City of Sanctuary
Locked up. Shipped around. Sold as sex. In the black of night “Tanja” fled to safety on the shores of England. Another asylum seeker now held at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre; Britain’s best kept secret. Refuge lies just beyond the barbed wire fence, but at what cost? With immigration issues reaching fever pitch, this is the story of one woman’s bravery in the midst of prejudice and abuse.
This is what she would have said, if only we’d let her...
An impassioned call to arms, a play and a campaign: ‘TANJA’ is a dramatic meta-theatrical exploration of immigration detention centres starring Emily Ntshangase- a former Yarl’s Wood detainee.
“A story with real emotive power that leaves one questioning our government's policies towards asylum seekers. Unquestionably great theatre.”
“tackles this difficult subject with deftness... challenging the practices of the status quo.”
“A piece of beauty.” “goes beyond theatre and implores social justice, ultimately Tanja reflects what theatre has the power to be.”
Tanja | Trailers
TANJA | Trailer
TANJA | Teaser
"Should be mandatory viewing."
"a stark and compelling piece of meta-theatre."
"A powerful tale that brings home the humanity and personal suffering behind the media headlines."
Star of ‘Tanja’ talks thought process
My name is Emily Ntshangase-Wood. I came to the UK 14 years ago. When I came I never thought I would stay for this long and it has been the hardest time in my entire life, because during this time I couldn’t travel or work. I lost my son, brother and my father and have not even seen any of their graves due to the barriers I have faced whilst seeking asylum.
I relate to the character of ‘Tanja’ a lot, because almost all the events she goes through in her journey trying to come to UK – and even when she is in UK – are the experiences that I also went through. Looking back it makes me feel so blessed as the Tanja character is someone who reflects all of the hope and courage of the women trapped in immigration removal centres across the UK. Despite all the horrendous experiences, both of us never lost hope and our mission is to give hope to the hopeless.
I have never been in a performance like this and it has been so exciting and challenging to work with aspiring, talented and determined people who want to make work that is truthful, imaginative and timely. The script and the aim of the project is to show audiences what it is like to go through the asylum system and what happens in an immigration removal centre. I feel that if we all can be united in fighting for asylum seekers not to be treated like prisoners, then things can change for the better. We want to spread the word to the many who are unaware about the existence of Yarl’s Wood, and I think there’s no better way to inform the wider public than through a piece of drama.
“Brutal and unforgettable." "Politically, this piece is doing something remarkable.”

SBC Campaign #TanjaGoesToParliament #SetHerFree
BIG ISSUE BLOG: Emily Ntshangase-Wood (Lead performer)
BIG ISSUE BLOG: Rosie MacPherson (Writer/Performer)
BIG ISSUE BLOG: John Tomlinson (Producer)
BBC RADIO - Interview with Emily Ntshangase and Hannah Butterfield (Director)
BRITISH THEATRE GUIDE PODCAST - In conversation with John Tomlinson
‘Tanja’ National Tour
New Wolsey Theatre (PULSE Festival), The Montgomery Sheffield (Migration Matters Festival), Carriage works Theatre Leeds, Theatre in the Mill, Midlands Arts Centre, Unity Theatre, Camden People's Theatre, York Theatre Royal.
West Yorkshire Playhouse, Derby Theatre, Oldham Coliseum, Theatre Deli- Refuge Festival, The Lowry, Salford, CAST, Doncaster, Skipton Townhall, Crucible Studio, Sheffield, Square Chapel, Halifax, Camden People's Theatre, ARC, Stockton.
Production Gallery