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  • SBC Theatre Pond Street Sheffield, England, S1 2BD United Kingdom (map)

A cost of living crisis, a climate emergency, a society divided and never ending strikes. The future might feel bleak if we didn't have a wild and radical plan to change our lives forever! Join us for an urgent performance manifesto as we demand better for every single one of us. Expect spoken word, movement, music and social media as we transport you to a better world...


Stand & Be Counted are working with 35 Sheffield Hallam Performance BA students on their 'Ideas into Action' module. Using SBC's process for co-creating with people seeking sanctuary, we will make a brand new show to be performed at Sheffield Interchange

The show will combine live and digital elements as students explore their hopes for a fairer future in a brand new performance manifesto. Students will work on all aspects of making a new show as well as working with the SBC team to learn strategies for promoting themselves as artists.

Wednesday 14th December 5pm - Sheffield Interchange (Concourse A)

Free event

A Stand & Be Counted Theatre and Sheffield Hallam University Co-production

Made in Partnership with Sheffield Interchange

7 November

Soap Box - Leeds

25 February

Help Each Other!