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Help Each Other!

  • Millennium Gallery 48 Arundel Gate Sheffield, England, S1 2PP United Kingdom (map)

Help Each Other!

Stand and Be Counted’s Youth Theatre of Sanctuary present ‘Help Each Other!’ a brand new, co-created short film exploring everything we have learned and lived through the Covid-19 pandemic. Children from across the globe, aged 3-15, who now call Sheffield home, have some big ideas and great advice to bring us all together, celebrate what we have and keep us safe today and in the future. We hope you enjoy our handy guide to being OK, OK?

Stand & Be Counted are proud to be the UK's first Theatre Company of Sanctuary, committed to making work with and for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants of all ages. A massive thank you to our film partners The Montgomery Theatre, Compassionate Sheffield and Sheffield City Council for making this work possible.

This peice is part of Stories from the Pandemic, a 10 day exhibition, set in rooms of a ‘lockdown home’, draws from the extensive range of stories that have been gathered during the project.

Stories from the Pandemic is a city wide project in partnership with OpusCompassionate Sheffield and Sheffield City Council. Furniture kindly donated by Emmaus. Kitchen kindly donated by Sheffield Sustainable Kitchens

Sat. 25th Feb–Sun. 5th Mar
10am–5pm (Sun. 11am–4pm)
Millennium Gallery, Sheffield,
S1 2PP
Free Entry

Find out more about the exhibition

14 December


22 March

End of Term Party